PlugAPI : A lightweight, speedy HTTP(S) server


  • Python 3.6 >=


from plugapi import Server, JSONResponse, json_middleware

server = Server(443, https=True, certfile='./localhost.pem', keyfile='./localhost-key.pem')
def root(req):
    return JSONResponse({'a': 'b'})



  • Middleware Middleware are functions accepting the socket, HTTP type, headers and body and returning a changed headers and body before the handlers are called They can be added using server.add_middlewares(middleware, middleware2, ....) For example, the default JSON middleware is given below

    def json_middleware(socket: socket.socket, type: str, headers: dict[str, str], body: str | list | dict) -> tuple[dict[str, str], str | list | dict]:
         if headers.get("Content-Type", None) == "application/json":
         body = json.loads(body)
         return headers, body``

    There are numerous built-in middlewares including multipart_middleware, url_encoded_middleware, cookie_middleware and more!

  • Different utility responses Responses like FileResponse, JSONResponse and HTMLResponse are pre-provided to allow you to return data without having to set the content type


  • ☐ Websocket support

  • ☑ Parameters in paths